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Frequently Asked Questions


What is “mpreg”?

The term “mpreg” is a short reference that stands for “male pregnancy”. This term also more over is referring to anything related to the mpreg community.

Is ‘mpreg’ a fetish?

Yes and no. While some in the mpreg community view mpreg as sexual, there are others that see it more as a personal interest. In that regard, the mpreg community is more of a subculture than a fetish, as it encompasses many different personalities and viewpoints.

Is it even possible for a man to become pregnant? If so, how would a man become pregnant?

Yes it is, in fact many respected experts on the matter have said so. The only issue is an ethical one, whether it will be safe for the father or male “mother” in question and the baby, as well as how socially and culturally accepted it would be. There are some ideas on how it could work, such as through an "ectopic pregnancy" or with a transplanted uterus.

Why would a man ever want to become pregnant?

There are many different reasons why a man would want to experience pregnancy. Some want to go through the experience of pregnancy, others want to become pregnant for their female partner so that they would not have to endure the strain of pregnancy, and others still would do it if their partner was unable to become pregnant for any reason.

Are there many men that want to genuinely become pregnant?

This is a hard question to answer as not much formal study has been done on the matter, however, there have been a handful of polls taken that gives us a rough idea and range. A few polls taken in France show that between 40-50% of biological men say that they would gladly become pregnant if it were possible, there is also an ongoing online poll that asks men if they could get pregnant, would they carry and give birth to their child, 27% picked ‘yes’, 9% picked ‘maybe, if their partner gives birth to their next child’, 24% picked ‘only if their partner could not’, and 40% picked ‘no’.

Are there many women that want men to experience pregnancy?

In the same online poll 50% of women picked ‘yes’, 11% picked ‘maybe, if they give birth to their next child’, 20% picked ‘only if they could not’, and 19% picked ‘no’.

If a man did ever become pregnant in real life, how would the baby come out ?

Via caesarean section.

Has a man actually ever gotten pregnant in real life?

By certain definitions of “manhood”, yes, many transgender males (i.e. FTM, F2M, trans men) have become pregnant and given birth because they still had the “equipment” to do so, however in regards to cisgender males, no known case of a pregnant man has been documented, although there have been documented cases of men being born with working uteri.

Are all the men on this site transgender?


Do the men here want to become actual women?

No, the men here do not wish to become women, though there are those who do, and there are even some crossdressers. Again, it depends on the person in question, as there is no general model for our interests.

Are only gay men interested in male pregnancy?

No, some are gay, some are straight, some are bi, and some are asexual. Male pregnancy is not just “a gay thing”.

Is the idea of male pregnancy a new and modern subject?

Actually it is not. The idea of male pregnancy has been observed in human history since ancient times.

Exactly how popular is mpreg?

Mpreg is an underground interest but can be found all across the web from Deviantart to Tumblr if you look in the right places!